Policy Engagement


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TYPF focuses on building leadership and advocacy capacities of young people and youth-led/focused organizations/networks through training sessions/workshops around issues relevant to key areas of work. The capacity building embeds aspects of developing nuanced understanding of the issue as well as imparting skills to be change agents on the same. TYPF has held numerous capacity building sessions/workshops on issues of SRHR (including abortion, CSE, youth-friendly health services), movement building, youth-led advocacy, budgetary advocacy, international human rights mechanism-based advocacy, adolescent health related advocacy. TYPF is currently developing a series of courses to be delivered through an e-learning platform.

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TYPF focuses on creating multi-stakeholder engagement platforms to curate dialogues between young people and other important stakeholders (like government officials at multiple levels,UN agencies, CSOs, CBOs, donors) on focus areas of work at multiple levels to develop comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play and come up with concrete recommendations to advance the cause through collaborative efforts. TYPF has held dialogues at national, sub-national, state and district level on issues related to gender-based violence, CEFM, SRH (including AYSRH and ASRH), AH, NEP.

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TYPF focuses on creating networks which aims to foster meaningful youth engagement in programmatic and policy structures around focus areas of work across multiple levels. The networks range from having individuals as well as organisational representatives from diverse communities and geographies, especially from marginalised sections to foreground their voices in the engagement avenues in a sustained and institutionalised manner. TYPF currently has networks at regional, national and state levels which are focused around Adolescent Health. There is another network focused on psycho-social well-being which is currently dormant.

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TYPF is a key youth-run organization which is a part of as well as engages with numerous platforms, coalitions, networks, advisory groups, working groups on issues relevant to young people. Through these spaces, TYPF amplifies and centers the voices and issues of young people it engages with across all its portfolios/programs/initiatives/collaborations.

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