This is a set of thirteen illustrated posters designed to cover thematics that are often shunned and never openly talked about because of their tabooed and stigmatized position in the society. The direct brunt of this taboo is faced by young people, who have limited access to the information which the system is denying them. The idea behind displaying  these posters in healthcare facilities is to destigmatize sexual health  information by providing  complete  information to every person who reads them.

The set of thirteen poster covers the following nine broad topics:
  1. Abortion
  2. Menstruation
  3. Puberty
  4. Mental Health
  5. Contraception
  6. Safer Sex
  7. Sexually Transmitted Infections
  8. Practices of a good service-provider
  9. Adolescent-friendly health clinics

A set of thirteen illustrated posters (in English and Hindi respectively) designed to cover thematics around Accessible Health Services. This portrayal aims to destigmatize instances of sexual health information that lack conversation because of their tabooed position in the society.