
Campus Caravan

Campus Caravan is a youth-led initiative focused on addressing the complexities of campus life through critical discussions on masculinity, gender, caste, class, and religion. By fostering these conversations, the program aims to create safer, inclusive, and violence-free campuses where students can thrive.

Campus Caravan is a youth-led, youth-centered initiative designed with and for students to address the realities of campus life. It promotes critical discussions around masculinity, gender, caste, class, and religion, aiming to build safer, inclusive, and violence-free spaces. Through these conversations, students gain a deeper understanding of violence and work toward creating supportive environments where everyone can learn and thrive. Campus Caravan also engages with faculty and administrative staff to bridge perspective gaps, influence policies, and strengthen systems that support youth leadership and  youth affirmative campus spaces.

  • Jaipur, Rajasthan
The program capacitated 16  youth leaders to drive the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) and create safer, more inclusive campuses. Reaching over 1500 young people, these leaders promoted a culture of inclusivity through innovative approaches like performing arts and public engagement. Their efforts also led to improved campus safeguarding policies, with active support from decision-makers and faculty, ensuring a lasting commitment to student safety with a well being informed and intersectional lens.
The programme brings together students, faculty, campus administrators, and government officials to address systemic and policy gaps, creating sustainable mechanisms for safer, more inclusive campuses. Our focus includes:
  • Capacity Building: Strengthening the skills and knowledge of youth leaders and other campus stakeholders.
  • System Strengthening: Developing and improving campus policies to prevent gender-based violence.
  • Resource Creation: Co-creating tools and materials to support ongoing advocacy and education efforts.
  • Public Engagements: Using creative approaches to raise awareness and drive change within communities.
These efforts aim to ensure long-term impact and sustainable progress.