The Knowledge Hub

Organisational Fellowship

Deadline Missed


Know Your Body Know Your Rights (KYBKYR) programme has been working to increase accessibility of young people and adolescents to evidence based information on their health and well-being by providing Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for over 10 years in states across Northern India. Through this programme, TYPF imparts factual information on young people and adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health and rights and addresses the stigma and bursts myths around the same. KYBKYR provides rights based information about gender and health to build young people’s capacity to be able to advocate for their health and well-being at local, state and national level.

The Knowledge Hub

As the world continues to prepare, to respond and redesign itself based on the ‘new normal’, it is more important than ever to centralize the lived experiences of adolescents, in informing and shaping our work with them. We believe that feminist and inclusive approaches are key aspects to be foregrounded across organizations working with adolescents. In our decade long experience across diverse constituencies at TYPF, a crucial learning has been to consciously elude from immediate reactive measures to emerging needs and creating a more systemic, sustainable and rights-based intervention that can respond both short term as well as long term challenges that impede rights of adolescent and young people. With the experience and competency in crafting feminist leadership journeys not just for young people but also for youth-led and youth-focused organisations, TYPF proposes to create a ‘Knowledge Hub’ to share good practices and learnings in the post pandemic society across select organisations in India on building a young feminist action on advancing AYSRHR in their contexts. The ‘Knowledge Hub’ will create a space to share strategies that can be applied in our work and result in anthological evidence based programme designs to work with adolescent girls and young people towards furthering their leadership. The ‘Knowledge Hub’ is a part of The Emerging Markets Foundation funded Building Bridges Program. Building Bridges is an initiative to support collaborations and build communities of practice among its Grantee Partner organizations in India. Through the Knowledge Hub we envision to create: 1.     A cohort of young advocates leading adolescent and young people centric programmes across the nation. 2.     Strengthening capacities of organisations to advance the discourse on rights affirming work with young people. 3.     To create a comprehensive practitioner’s handbook that will foster community and stakeholder led dialogues on advancing AYSRHR.


The Hub has been divided into 3 phases and has planned different engagements for each phase. Phase 1 focuses on capacity building of young people from different organisations interested in bringing in an intersectional and rights-based lens to their work with young people. We will focus on the rights of young people and adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health and rights (AYSRHR). We will be organising virtual sessions with experts from the field twice in a week. The language medium will be in English. Applications are open to organisations based in India. For specific requirements, please refer to the last page of this document. Phase 2 will focus on creating a platform for incubating action plans on  AYSRHR with four cohort member organisations.  In this phase, the Hub member  organisations will be selected based on interest as well as performance in Phase 1. A small support amount of minimum 1,00,000 INR will be available for the selected member organisations to move to Phase III Phase 3 will be the last phase of the Hub where the members will implement the strategies finalised in phase 2. This learning phase will focus on addressing challenges, supporting in mitigating backlash on young feminist leadership and sharing learnings and good practices on engaging stakeholders and building allies on AYSRHR. Phase Salient features Timeline Process Phase 1: Young Feminist Capacity Building ●      Perspective and capacity strengthening on issues that young people face especially with regards to their sexual and reproductive health and rights (AYSRHR), and the impact of pandemic on the same ●      Creating synergies to strengthen and create an ecosystem of similar work. May to August, 2021 ●      Each organisation nominates two individuals as ‘Hub Fellow’ to represent them throughout the engagement. Note: Organisations interested in continuing in phase 2, please nominate those individuals who can commit to the engagement for the entire timeline (1 year) ●      A needs assessment and mapping to contextualise and build the learning pathway together sessions accordingly. ●      Virtual sessions with experts on diverse issues and contexts  . ●      Time table of the workshops will be mutually decided. Phase 2: Youth Conceptualization and Leadership Design ●      Selection of 4 organizations from phase 1 on the basis of their interest as well as engagement from phase 1 ●      Virtual ideation workshop and focus on AYSRHR ●      Finalisation of strategies and intervention on ground with select stakeholders in young people’s ecosystem August to October, 2021 ●      TYPF will work selected 4 organisation on developing concept notes and ideas for phase 3 ●      A small support amount will be available for idea implementation. ●      Time table of the workshops will be mutually decided. Phase 3: Implementation ●      Follow up stage of phase 2. Hub fellows will be implementing the planned strategies and interventions on ground with select stakeholders in the young people’s ecosystem. November 2021 to April 2022 ●      TYPF will be holding bi monthly meetings to provide any kind of technical support needed for on ground activities. ●      Process documentation of the learnings that are emerging from onground implementation Closing ●      A learning evaluation to document key challenges and good practices ●      A compilation of best practices of working with young people and stakeholders around them on advancing their sexual and reproductive health and rights. April to May 2022 ●      The Hub partners’ learnings will be disseminated in the form of handbook and practitioners guide on advancing AYSRHR with different stakeholders, from their experience. ●      The active engagement of the ‘Knowledge Hub’ partners concludes. Requirements and Selection Phase 1 Requirements: Youth led and/or youth focussed organisations based in India. Interested in building capacities in AYSRHR from an intersectional, feminist and rights based lens. Organisations to nominate two people as ‘Hub fellows’ who would join the Knowledge Hub. Nominated individuals should have fluency in spoken English Selection Criteria: Interested organisations will be required to fill in a google form. TYPF will be reaching out to selected organisations for phase 1 by April end, 2021. Note: The application to participate in TYPF’s Knowledge Hub will only be opened during phase 1. Those who are interested in phase 2 will have to participate in phase 1 to graduate to phase 2 of the Hub. Phase 2 onwards: Requirements : Would be able to commit to the given timeline Active engagement in phase 1 of the Hub Already have an active group of adolescents and youth on ground Interested in running a youth lead work with a group of adolescents on the issues of SRHR Nominated individuals should be fluent and comfortable with writing and speaking English Selection: Post the completion of Phase 1, TYPF will be shortlisting on the basis of regularity and performance of participants in phase 1. Apply Now Registration is now open, if you meet the criterias above and want to build capacities on feminist rights based approach on issues of AY-SRHR, apply using the form linked below. Last date to apply: April 21st, 2021

Last date for application
April 21, 2021