“A researcher participating in this study asked whether she could get emergency contraception at one of the health facility being audited. Instead of providing it, the service provider wanted to know why she wanted it since she was unmarried and whether she wanted it for herself. This accusatory tone led our researcher to instinctively claim that the contraceptive was for her sister-in-law. When health providers are so biased and judgmental, how can young people access SRH services” said Mayank Matiyani, The YP Foundation.

In an article on “Making an informed maternity choice,” our study  on the audit of 48 health facilities (of which 29 were in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh) was cited and discussed. The study found that disrespectful and biased attitudes of medical practitioners prevented young people from accessing information and services on abortion, pregnancy testing, HIV counseling and testing, contraception and sexually transmitted infections.