The relevance of CSE

The Impact of CSE

The Know Your Body Know Your Rights (KYBKYR) programme works to empower adolescents and youth by delivering stigma-free and rights-affirming information on issues of health, sexuality and human rights, and enables them to advocate for their well-being at the personal, community, state and national levels. A key component of the programme is the delivery of a Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum for adolescents and youth led by a team of young programme staff and fellows. The programme is implemented with adolescents and young people across locations in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Delhi, NCR.

In 2018, the KYBKYR programme launched a specific curriculum for young adolescents between the ages of 9-13 years. This has been successfully implemented with more than 350 young people from across schools and community settings in Delhi from. Acknowledging the demand for CSE, we are making this curriculum and toolkit available for others who wish to implement or adapt this intervention and approach. This curriculum brings together the cumulative experience and work of young people who have co-journeyed with us as participants and leaders to translate the vision of youth led access to information and rights on ground. It also stands on the shoulders of partner organisations and activists who did pioneering work on sexuality and gender issues as well as youth leadership and rights that we have learnt and drawn from heavily. We also acknowledge the support of our donors and partners (link to donors and partners page) who have made this work possible.

We are grateful to the TARSHI team for their review and providing critical inputs for reflection and improvement in the curriculum as we share it with the world.

The toolkit consists of the CSE curriculum for adolescents between the age group of 9-13 years; videos resources; podcasts on experiences of adolescents as well as facilitators; illustrated tools to be used during sessions; jamboards that can be used for virtual implementation.
KYBKYR’s CSE curriculum for adolescents between the age group 9-13 years has a trans*-feminist, pleasure-affirming and right-based perspective. The curriculum has 10 sessions of 1-1.5 hour each, with an additional session acting as a buffer for the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation tools and revision based activities. The session acts as preliminary introductions for the participants to the concepts of change, puberty, adolescence, bodies, sex, sexuality, gender, emotions, violence, and diversity. The curriculum has been adapted to be implemented virtually through online sessions (post the outbreak of COVID-19), therefore, the current curriculum exists in two versions with the same content but different pedagogies. The preface in the beginning acts as a guide on navigating the curriculum and various components of it. It has links to all the sample documents one can use to design training sessions or meetings with external stakeholders such as teachers or guardians before implementation. There are also sample formats provided for consent forms that one should get signed before beginning the sessions with adolescents. The sessions also have links to M&E tools that TYPF used to map the impact of the curriculum intervention on the adolescents. Facilitators should go through the preface thoroughly as a preparation for the sessions.

Each session that mentions a video resource that should be used to facilitate a particular discussion, also contains hyperlinks to the same. We recommend that you download these resources prior to session to smoothen the session implementation.

There are also additional video resources that were created by the KYBKYR fellows batch of 2019-2020 to make the virtual dissemination of information easy and more accessible. These videos are not listed as a resource in the curriculum however, can be used as supplementary resources for various sessions. The issues that are covered in the videos are: consent; love and attraction; beauty standards; gender identities; emotions; and bodies with intersex variations.

The toolkit consists of 2 podcasts: the first podcast has a panel of younger adolescents who have been a part of KYBKYR’s cohorts in Delhi implementation cycles from 2019 – 2020. The podcast documents their experiences of engaging in CSE sessions, maps the impact of the programme on their knowledge, perspective and attitude shifts with regards to SRHR, and serves as a tool through which CSE advocacy for younger adolescents can be supported. The podcast is in Hindi but the English transcription for the same can be found on the same page.
The second podcast is conversation between the persons who developed this curriculum and provides a rationale about why there was a need to build a separate CSE curriculum. During the podcasts, the participants also talk about strategies one can adopt while engaging with stakeholders such as teachers or guardians of the adolescents. This podcast can be helpful in understanding backlash mitigation tips as well as the impact on accessibility of information post the outbreak of COVID-19.

This section consists of tools that have been developed to visually support some of the activities or information on anatomy in the curriculum. It is advised to print these images as per requirement. Following are the tools available on the website:
Anatomy Flipbook
The flipbook is a tool that TYPF developed for another CSE curriculum catering to adolescents of 14 years of age and above. Therefore, for this curriculum, only use the pages mentioned to disseminate information on body anatomy. The content of the flipbook is currently in Hindi, however, translation of the same has been provided in the preface of the curriculum
Simba Cards
These are three cards that show three phases of growing up and the changes that process brings in and around us. To be used in session 1
Menstrual Product Cards
The flipbook is a tool that TYPF developed for another CSE curriculum catering to adolescents of 14 years of age and above. Therefore, for this curriculum, only use the pages mentioned to disseminate information on body anatomy. The content of the flipbook is currently in Hindi, however, translation of the same has been provided in the preface of the curriculum
Emoji Cards
To be used to facilitate discussions around emotional changes in session 5, activity 2
Violence Cards
These are to visually support activity 3 of session 8
Google Jamboard is an online interactive whiteboard system that is available for free on google accounts. Here is a tutorial on how one can navigate the tool. TYPF made different jamboards for each session and used them to facilitate discussion by noting down all the points on a shared screen. This made virtual sessions interactive and kept the participants engaged. They appreciated seeing their points up on the board as well as the visual support to understand information better. The jamboards provided are in Hindi and serve as only a sample on how one can create jamboards for their own sessions. We encourage everyone to make context relevant jamboards that will keep your participants engaged throughout the session. However, if you would like to use the ones provided on the website, please follow the jamboard links and create a copy in your google account.